Workout Programs
Workout programs are a digital download directly to your phone or computer with instant download available upon purchase.
Backcountry snowmobiling is undoubtedly, a VERY physically demanding sport! Taking my fitness seriously has been the biggest thing that has helped me get through some major crashes fairly unscathed and allowed me to progress to the next level with my riding.
I put these programs together to share some knowledge and help you stay injury free and progress your riding more than ever!

Ride Fast Company
Ride Fast Fitness - Pre Season Training Program
Pre-Season FALL TRAINING • Strength - Power - Mobility
The Fall Training program is a mix of lifting/cardio/mobility broke down into push, HIIT, pull, steady state, leg and mobility days. Included in each days is a good dynamic and static stretch routine to begin and end each workout.
My intention is to take the guesswork out of what you need to be doing and help set you up for success leading into the winter by helping build a solid base over the next 4 weeks.
This program requires basic gym equipment and effort. Gym equipment needed is dumbbells, barbell, bench, cable machine, leg press, and bike.
Each day is laid out for you and exercises are linked to demonstration videos

Ride Fast Company
Ride Fast Fitness - In Season Training Program
In-Season WINTER SUSTAINABILITY • Maintain - Mobile - Flexible
The Winter Sustainability Program is a variety of different strength exercises and cardio training to help you maintain strength and stamina but this program is mainly based around mobility exercise movements to keep you mobile and flexible this riding season.
My Intention with this Winter Sustainability program is to take the guess work out of what you need to be doing to maintain strength and mobility through out the riding season.
This program requires basic gym equipment and effort. Gym equipment needed is dumbbells, kettlebells, med ball, bosu ball, barbell, bench, cable machine, leg press, band and bike.
Each day is laid out for you and exercises are linked to demonstration videos